2016 Award Recipients

The Provost's Office is pleased to announce recipients of the 2016 round of Provost Research Awards. Any Brandeis faculty or staff member involved in research, scholarship, or creative activity in any field may apply for an award. Proposals awarded funding initiate innovative scholarly inquiry and creative activities that have the potential for significant, sustained impact.

Robbie Dembo at AcademyHealth

The 途游休闲捕鱼正版官网 Provost Research Award was an excellent opportunity for Heller doctoral student, Robbie Dembo. Robbie is a Ph.D. student at Heller and a research assistant in the Lurie Institute of Disability Policy. The Provost Award allowed Robbie to get hands-on experience working with a complex data set and analysis during his first year of graduate school. It enabled him to lead a peer-reviewed publication on psychological consequences of violence victimization against adults with disabilities, The psychological consequences of violence against people with disabilities, as well as present study findings through a webinar organized by the APHA Disability Section and an oral presentation at the 2018 AcademyHealth conference. Robbie won the 2018 AcademyHealth Disability Research Interest Group Best Student Award for his presentation.